Expression DMX Patching
In version 0.1.2a+
Expression DMX Patching allows you to create new DMX mappings in-place for simpler light fixtures.
Using constants (eg. 255) and variables (eg. R, G, B) delimeted by a comma you are able to express a DMX mapping in a single line.
How To Use
Use the expression, in the format below, as the Model name when setting an output/changing model.
Expression is made up of descriptions for individual DMX channels separated by a colon (,)
Each channel can be a full mathematical expression but you'll likely be just either entering a fixed DMX value (0-255) or referencing one of the available variables (see below for a list).
All variables reference only the first pixel of a fixture. Currently there is no way to expand the DMX mapping to all available pixels.
You can still map multipixel fixtures by creating two fixtures - one using this Expression mapping and the other using one of the standard RGB mappings which do expand to cover all available pixels.
Example - RGBW Fixture
An RGBW fixture is available from the standard fixtures so this is only provided as an explanatory example.
Example - Claypaky HY B-EYE
Given the following DMX chart:
We can write the following expression as the Model name:
Available Variables
Uppercase variables yield standard value, lowercase give you the fine part for 16-bit mapping
Variable | Meaning |
L | Dimmer, the Luminance of first pixel |
R | Red content of first pixel |
G | Green content of first pixel |
B | Blue content of first pixel |
C | Cyan content of first pixel |
M | Magenta content of first pixel |
Y | Yellow content of first pixel |
O | CTO (Temperature) |
P | Pan |
T | Tilt |
W | Yaw (Not Implemented) |
Z | Zoom |
F | Focus |
I | Iris |
S | Speed, use as Frequency for strobes for instance |
D | Duration |
Further Work
The expressions are evaluated using ncalc and thus should support all standard math functions, but on top there should certainly be:
map(X, from, to) | Remap the normalized input value to the given range |
More variables could be added to cover more scenarios - Suggest more!
Colorwheels, gobo selections and similar are not supported under this proposal. However this could be covered by adding special mapping functions.
Last updated