Available Options

Available configuration values for the application and plugins

This is an overview of available options via the config JSON files.

Plugins not listed or custom extensions here may add additional options not listed here.

You will find many of these options, ready to be edited, in the defaults.json file in your project's registry/config folder

See Projects and External Configuration for more information on how projects and configuration files function.

Curious how this page was generated from runtime configuration loading logs to be as accurate as possible?

See the following ChatGPT conversation: https://chat.openai.com/share/ef1bc828-ef3b-4af5-b470-757748e47e76


Overview of all available plugins on/off configurations. These values decide whether the plugins are loaded at all.

Specific configuration for each plugin is detailed below and is generally available under the name of the plugin.

See Pluginsfor more information.

Enable configuration values within each plugin, when available, control whether the plugin is active but do not control loading. They are a better choice if you want to turn the plugins' activity on and off during usage.

    "Plugins": {
        "ArtNet": false, // Controls ArtNet plugin, boolean, default false
        "ArtNet2": false, // Controls ArtNet2 plugin, boolean, default false
        "ArtNet3": false, // Controls ArtNet3 plugin, boolean, default false
        "OpenDMX": false, // Controls OpenDMX plugin, boolean, default false
        "EnttecDMXUSBPro": false, // Controls Enttec DMX USB Pro plugin, boolean, default false
        "XBox": false, // Controls XBox plugin, boolean, default false
        "OSCSender": false, // Controls OSC Sender plugin, boolean, default false
        "OSCReceiver": false, // Controls OSC Receiver plugin, boolean, default false
        "OSCAudioReceiver": false, // Controls OSC Audio Receiver plugin, boolean, default false
        "Shapes": false, // Controls Shapes plugin, boolean, default false
        "MovingHeads": false, // Controls Moving Heads plugin, boolean, default false
        "RemoteController": false // Controls Remote Controller plugin, boolean, default false

Initialization (Init)

Settings related to the initial startup when the project is loaded.

The layout file referenced will be loaded onto the scene and is expected to be contained with the registry/layouts folder. See <MISSING: Registry, Layouts>

    "Init": {
        "Layout": "init.xml" // Path to initial layout file, string, default "init.xml"


The UI rendering can be enabled or disabled via the configuration.

This can be useful when you want to save performance and are done with editing the programming.

You can also control whether the Intro welcome dialog will be shown after startup and when the animated Screensaver will show up. Set the timeout to negative to disable the Screensaver.

    "UI": {
        "Enabled": true, // Toggles UI rendering, boolean, default true
        "Intro": true, // Enables an introductory UI screen, boolean, default true
        "ScreensaverTimeout": 120 // Sets screensaver timeout in seconds, number, default 120

Backdrop Configuration

Configuration for the Backdrop path. This will display an image below your scene.

See Backdrop for more information.

    "Backdrop": {
        "Path": "" // File path for the backdrop image, string, default empty

Area Dimensions

Settings for defining the dimensions of the area, ie. the room size in the Schematic scene view.

    "Area": {
        "Width": 10, // Specifies the width of the area, number, default 10
        "Length": 10 // Specifies the length of the area, number, default 10

ArtNet and DMX

These settings control where and how the DMX/ArtNet output plugins send signal. They will only take effect if the respective plugins are enabled.

OpenDMX and EnttecDMXPro plugins detect output device automatically and have no options besides toggling the respective plugins.

See Plugins, ArtNet and <MISSING: OpenDMX, EnttecDMXPro> for more information.

    "ArtNet": {
        "IP": "", // Target IP address for ArtNet, string, default ""
        "Universe": 0, // ArtNet universe to target, number, default 0
        "Enabled": false // Enables or disables ArtNet plugin, boolean, default false
    "ArtNet2": {
        "IP": "", // Target IP address for ArtNet2, string, default ""
        "Universe": 0, // ArtNet2 universe to target, number, default 0
        "Enabled": false // Enables or disables ArtNet2 plugin, boolean, default false
    "ArtNet3": {
        "IP": "", // Target IP address for ArtNet3, string, default ""
        "Universe": 0, // ArtNet3 universe to target, number, default 0
        "Enabled": false // Enables or disables ArtNet3 plugin, boolean, default false

OSC Configuration

Configuration settings for the OSC-related plugins.

    "OSCReceiver": {
        "IP": "", // IP address for OSC Receiver, string, default ""
        "Port": 4444, // Port number for OSC Receiver, number, default 4444
        "Enabled": true // Enables or disables OSC Receiver plugin, boolean, default true
    "OSCAudio": {
        "LocalAddress": "", // Local IP address for OSC Audio, string, default ""
        "LocalPort": 5555, // Local port for OSC Audio, number, default 5555
        "Enabled": true // Enables or disables OSC Audio Receiver plugin, boolean, default true
    "OSC": { // Plugin OSCSender
        "LocalPort": 4444 // General local port for OSC communication, number, default 4444

Remote Controller Configuration

Configuration for the Remote Controller plugin.

This plugin allows for a high level web remote controller interface.

See Remote Controller for more information.

    "RemoteController": {
        "IP": "", // IP address for Remote Controller, string, default ""
        "Port": 3000, // Port number for Remote Controller, number, default 3000
        "StackLayer": 0, // Stack layer for Remote Controller operations, number, default 0
        "Enabled": false // Enables or disables Remote Controller plugin, boolean, default false

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